Natural Cancer Treatments And Alternative Medicine - Cancer Protect

Natural Cancer Treatments And Alternative Medicine

If you are reading this article than I know that somehow cancer has effected you or someone you love, and for that I am sorry you are having to experience such a difficult situation. But there is hope, cancer doesn't have to be the end. I am a true believer in alternative medicine, and finding out as much information as I can to put out in the world. People need options, especially when it could be your life at stake. I'm sure you are asking yourself why doesn't my doctor talk about this? What would they think or say about alternative treatment? How do I decide if it's for me?

The answer to those questions is:

Medical schools don't teach alternative treatments,Doctors receive a lot of negative information about alternative treatments from the American Medical Association (AMA) and the pharmaceutical industry.

The American Cancer Society (ACS), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and other Government cancer bodies will not investigate or promote alternative treatments,Their state medical boards may fine them heavily, suspend their license to practice or even revoke it.

Obtaining FDA approval takes many years and can cost several millions of dollars for clinical trials. The simple fact is that there is no money to spend to do these trials on treatments that are often un-patentable and therefore unprofitable.

Is this right for me? Do your research, start of with all the information. Make a decision that is what you believe is the best options for you. Alternative medicine is at the beginning of an amazing revolution. I believe, people don't want to take drugs, they want to get healthy, so they can get on with enjoying the rest of their lives